Prevention is better than cure.
At ErgoProlipsis we are convinced that there’s no room for discounts when it comes to health and safety in the workplace. There are only two options. Effectively tackling matters of health and safety or taking unnecessary risks that could possibly be fatal. For us, half-measures are synonymous with disaster. To this extent, we take our role very seriously and become one with our clients. The client’s risk becomes our risk. Therefore, we choose our partnerships very carefully. We only choose to work with those who fully comprehend the risks as much as their real needs, they understand the significance of prevention and are determined to put in the work needed to make it happen.
Our main objective is to offer consultation to businesses and to those in charge of decision making, so that they can gain an understanding of the urgency to create and implement health and safety conditions in every aspect of their business as well as consolidating the strategic role and the critical role of prevention in the field of Health and Safety in the workplace.