Occupational Safety Officer

Occupational Safety Officer

According to the law (Law 3850/10) all companies that employ at least one employee should have an Occupational Safety Officer, who shall oversee the working conditions at all installations and shall in particular:

  • regularly inspect working areas and premises for compliance with occupational safety legislation and standards
  • inform the Management with written and oral instructions
  • propose and supervise the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • assesses existing safety measures
  • proposes corrective measures to eliminate accidents
  • investigates the causes of accidents at work, analyzes and evaluates the results of its investigations and proposes measures to prevent similar accidents in the future
  • informs the company of laws and regulations relating to Safety of employees
  • records his suggestions in the special accredited Safety Book
  • maintain corporate confidentiality

ErgoProlipsis provides high quality Occupational Safety services, as its executives

  • have extensive experience in the field of Occupational Safety
  • keep up to date with the latest trends and developments,
  • tailor services to your business needs,
  • apply European and international good practices

Our goal is to create a safe working environment by reducing occupational risk.