Has diploma in Management and Production Engineering and MBA Msc.
As manager in OHS consulting firm Ergoprolipsis, is responsible for OHS audits and risk assessment, implements programs to limit physical, biological & ergonomic risks to work, plans accident investigations and hazard identification & risk assessment in workplaces-machinery-operations. Experienced safety consultant in a variety of companies in all sectors of economic activity in Greece and Cyprus.
He is Lead Auditor for OHSAS Management Systems for more than 5 years in cooperation with certification bodies (SGS). Strong Project Management skills and ability to lead teams and deliver targets.
Experienced in working with employees from the bottom to the upper level and training skills as instructor in OHS seminars for low and high level employees. He holds the position of Secretary-General of the Eastern Crete Technical Chamber of Greece and is active member of scientific and professional bodies related to safety and risk prevention.